"I have seen a ton of kids being homeschooled, and they are very smart," said 10-year-old Emily Micciantuono. "The best part of homeschooling is many more opportunities." This observant kiddo was quoted in this article about home ed. in Massachusetts.
"The idea that people can be taxed at whatever rate the government wants and continue to stay and pay high taxes is an antiquated one. People are very mobile and capital is even more mobile." Rep. Jason Murphey speaking about Oklahoma, but he could be addressing any greedy tax collector in any tax-crazed state. And lookee, lookee what former HEK turned legislator was present for 99% of his roll call votes.
"There seemed to be very little to write to youngsters from the front; the news was either too horrible or too dull. One thing that kept forcing itself more and more upon my attention was the very considerable part the animals were playing in the war." Author Hugh Lofting's (who served in World War I) explanation for how The Story of Doctor Dolittle came to be. For the first eight years of his life, Mr. Lofting was a homeschooler.