- Vin Suprynowicz, of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, didn't care for 'Vendetta.' But he does use his column space to make a couple of timely points about public education. Or, as Vin dubs the whole shebang, "government youth propaganda camps."
- Carolyn Abbott sends a review about a book written by the late Marlin Maddoux, the popular Christian radio commentator with the sonorous voice. The title is Public Education Against America: The Hidden Agenda. Interestingly, it's just been published, although Mr. Maddoux died in 2004. The reviewer leans melodramatic ("this book will awaken America from its dogmatic slumber"), and the content showcased will strike some as too conspiracy theorish. But ill-informed parents, guardians, and youth workers still need nudges about the never-ending nonsense that those propaganda camps are famous for openly producing.
- J.J. Redick's last game didn't have a storybook ending, but the AP selected him the "player of the year." Still a BMOC (Big Man on Campus), after all.